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We tirelessly strive to create an oasis of tranquility where your well-being always takes center stage - call today and experience the difference firsthand.

Innovative 5 Series SAH Unit

23.5 EER / 4.4 COP

This state-of-the-art unit offers comfort, versatility, and efficiency in 3 new cabinet sizes.

The 5 Series SAH Air Handler, featuring 2-6 ton capacities in convenient cabinet sizes, provides the perfect solution for homes with limited utility space when paired with our split systems. Aurora Advanced Controls in equipped split systems provide true energy monitoring, troubleshooting capabilities, integration into the Symphony Home Comfort Platform & IntelliZone2 zoning system, and more. The air handler utilizes R-410A refrigerant and can be field convertible to four configurations for a wide range of applications.

Note: Efficiencies listed above are applicable when installed with a WaterFurnace 5 Series split system.

Product Brochure
Specification Catalog
Installation Manual
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Furnace Replacement, Heating Service, Heating Repair, Heater Installation & Furnace Repair Meridian, ID, Boise, ID, Nampa, ID, Eagle, ID, Kuna, ID & Garden City, ID

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